Politics and Culture in Contemporary Okinawa
(07.07.2022, 11:45 Uhr – 14:15 Uhr)
On May 15, 1972, two decades after the main islands of Japan regained full sovereignty, the Ryūkyūs were released from US administration, and Okinawa prefecture was re-established in the Japanese state. Fifty years after the so-called “reversion” (fukki) took place, grave imbalances between Okinawa and other prefectures continue to persist: Okinawa is still hosting the bulk of the U.S. military deployed in Japan; indicators such as wage level, unemployment and poverty rates speak of Okinawa’s grave economic struggles; attempts by locals to bring about political change, over the decades have been neglected by the national government in Tokyo. These injustices to this day impact everyday life in Okinawa. Among others, they shape the dynamics of the islands’ political landscape and are reflected in manifold cultural outlets.
This event features a roundtable discussion in two parts: one focusing on society and politics of Okinawa, and one on literature and movies. Based on the findings in their specific areas of research, panelists discuss processes of identity negotiations within Okinawa and explore the state of contemporary Okinawa-Japan relations.
This event is jointly organized by Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt) and the University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. Ina Hein).
This is an online event, conducted via Zoom. You are kindly requested to register beforehand via this URL:
Moderator: Dr. Isabelle Prochaska-Meyer, University of Vienna
11:45-12:00 CEST / 18:45-19.00 JST
Opening remarks
12:00-13:00 CEST / 19:00-20.00 JST
Society and Politics
Chair: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Vogt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Discussants: Dr. Keisuke Mori, Senshu University
Akino Oshiro, M.A., Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Anja Sueyoshi, M.A., Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
13:00-13:10 CEST / 20:00-20:10 JST Break
13:10-14:10 / 20:10-21:10 JST
Literature and Movies
Chair: Prof. Dr. Ina Hein, University of Vienna
Discussants: Liliane Höppe, M.A., University of Vienna
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ran Ma, Nagoya University
Ass. Prof. Dr. Victoria Young, Cambridge University
14:10-14:15 CEST / 21:10-21:15 JST
Closing remarks