キャンプ文学の構想:旧満洲、シベリアその他 - Ein kleines Konzept von Lager-Literatur: Mandschurei, Siberien usw.

02.03.2023 18:30 - 20:00

A hybrid u:japan lecture by 坪井秀人 Tsuboi Hideto (Waseda University, Tokyo).


| Abstract |

In his lecture, held in Japanese, the renown literary scholar Tsuboi Hideto analyses the post war production of Japanese literature in the former colony Manchuria and soviet Siberia and develops the concept of キャンプ文学 „camp-literature“.
   Besides stories from his fieldtrip where he visited the remains of historic sites (now in Russia and China) his talk features besides others the following works of literature: 蛙昇天 Kaeru shōten [The Ascension of a Frog], 1951 by 木下順二 Kinoshita Junji, シベリヤ詩集 Shiberia shishū [Siberian Poetry], 1952 by 長尾辰夫 Nagao Tatsuo, 俘虜記 Furyoki [Taken Captive], 1948 by 大岡昇平 Ōoka Shōhei and サンチョ・パンサの帰郷 Sancho Pansa no kikyō [Homecoming of Sancho Panza], 1963 by 石原吉郎 Ishihara Yoshirō.

| Bio |

Tsuboi Hideto (坪井秀人) is professor of Waseda University, Tokyo and professor emeritus of the International Research Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto and of Nagoya University. He has written on the issues of body politics, sense representation and the other in modern Japanese literature. His publications include Koe no Shukusai: Nihon Kindaishi to Sensō (Fest of Voices: Modern Japanese Poetry and War), University of Nagoya Press, 1997, Kankaku no Kindai: Koe, Shintai, Hyōshō (Sensibilities in the Modern Age: Voice, Body and Representation), University of Nagoya Press, 2006, Sei ga kataru: 20 Seiki Nihon Bungaku no Sei to Shintai (Sexuality Speaks: Sex/Gender and Body in the Literature in Twentieth-Century Japan ), University of Nagoya Press, 2012, Nijûseiki Nihongo shi o omoidasu (Remembering the Twenty Century Japanese Language Poetry), Shichôsha, 2020. and Sengo Hyôgen: Japanese Literature after 1945 (Postwar Expression: Japanese Literature after 1945), University of Nagoya Press, 2023.

| Date & Time |

u:japan lecture | s06e01
Thursday 2023-03-02, 18:30~20:00
max. 50 participants (on site) + max. 300 participants (online) 

| Place & Preparations | 

| Plattform & Link |

| Further Questions? |

Please contact ujapanlectures.ostasien@univie.ac.at or visit https://japanologie.univie.ac.at/ujapanlectures/s06/#e01.


Department of East Asian Studies - Japanese Studies

Seminarraum 1 (Hof 2, Tür 2.4, EG)